VAMS Builds Girls’ Confidence with Heart & Sole Program

Heart & Sole is a Girls on the Run middle school program that meets the unique needs of girls in 6th-8th grade. The program considers the whole girl – body, brain, heart, spirit and social connection – in a positive, structured space where girls can learn about themselves, explore new ideas, cultivate empathy and strengthen connections. Running is incorporated into each lesson to encourage physical wellness and teach life skills such as team building, creating a support system, standing up for themselves and others, and decision making. The girls prepare for a celebratory Girls on the Run 5K event at the end of the program. This non-competitive event fosters goal setting and a sense of confidence through accomplishment. Valor Academy Middle School currently has 13 girls enrolled in the program, which completed its first 5K of the school year on December 11th. Their next 5K will be held May 21st. Viviana R., a 7th grade student in Heart & Sole, describes her experience below:

“What motivated me to Join Heart & Sole was to become more athletic, fit, and healthy. This is my third season with Heart & Sole and each season I complete my 5K with a better completion time. During our last 5K I was overwhelmed with excitement. Ms. Chavez, our program leader, pumped us up and reminded us that we could all make it to the finish line. I really enjoy everything about Heart & Sole, but my favorite part is our workouts that Ms. Chavez puts together. There are times when I want to give up, but she pushes me and reminds me that I can do it! This program has boosted my confidence by constantly reminding me that I can do anything I set my heart to.”


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